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Living The Legacy - MLK Day At The Gantt Center 2016 Presented By Food Lion®

Courtesy Anthony Quintano

All ages
Free and open to the public
  • About This Program

    "Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals."
    - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision and passion for social justice has inspired millions around the world. Our panel discussions, films and workshops will delve into how men and women of action have advanced the legacy of Dr. King locally. Hear first-hand accounts from those who were responsible for progress made in Charlotte during the early days of the civil rights movement; and how arts, youth and community program leaders respond to and engage youth in what is currently going on in our city, state and country. Be inspired by famous quotes and images from leaders in the Civil Rights Movement and transform their words and deeds into personal life lessons for you and your children.


      Time Event/Activity
    All day Four Life Lessons from the Civil Rights Movement
    Most of us recognize the ideas and history behind the Civil Rights Movement but behind these famous quotes and images were men and women of action. Read their words and leave your thoughts and impressions as documents of your own passion and legacy.

    Location: Classroom
    10:00 AM Panel Discussion: Charlotte's Civil Rights Legacy
    The civil rights movement continues to unfold, in Charlotte and throughout America but equal education, police misconduct, economic development, continue to be issues in our communities. Hear first-hand accounts from those who were responsible for progress made locally both then and now.

    Location: Performance Suite
    11:00 AM Film: Our Friend, Martin: An Adventure Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
    What begins as a routine project for a sixth-grade class turns into a time-traveling adventure. Two young friends travel through time, meeting Dr. King at several points during his life. In an effort to save him, they change the course of history.

    Location: Classroom
    Noon Youth Performance Group

    Location: Grand Lobby
    12:30 PM & 2:30 PM Workshop: Write Your Own I Have a Dream Speech
    Listen to an excerpt of Dr. King's words; work with your family to craft your own speech, and then share your dream with other visitors.

    Location: Classroom
    1:30 PM Panel Discussion: Living the Legacy
    Local arts, culture and community organizations represent and expand upon Dr. King's vision through their programming. Come hear how these program leaders respond to and engage youth in what is currently going on in our city, state and country.

    Location: Performance Suite
    3:30 PM Film: February One 2004
    February One tells the inspiring story of four remarkable young men who initiated the lunch counter sit-ins in Greensboro, NC on February 1, 1960. Based on first-hand accounts and rare archival footage, the film documents one volatile winter in Greensboro that not only challenged public accommodation customs and law in North Carolina, but served as a blueprint for the wave of non-violent civil rights protests that swept across the South and the nation throughout the 1960s.

    Location: Performance Suite

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